Technical analysis means predicting price movement of the stock or any securities, technical analysis is tool or method used to predict the probable future price movement of the security based on market data.
Technical analysis means predicting price movement of the stock or any securities, technical analysis is tool or method used to predict the probable future price movement of the security based on market data.
The fundamental analysis is a method of determining a stock real or fair market value, if the fair market value is higher than market price, then it means stock is under valued.
An Investment Advisor is a professional, who provide financial advice to their clients based on their goals and risk appetite. Financial advisor can help you create a financial plan, help you to select investments, monitor your portfolio and provide the professional assistance and to help them to execute it.
In other words, financial planning is the establishment of a process for attaining your financial goals by a thorough evaluation of your current financial status and exploring opportunities to improve it.
Investment in mutual funds can be done in two ways. One is investing as a lump sum amount and the other is through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs). Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a scheme offered by the mutual funds where one can invest a sum of money at periodic intervals.